Vancouver Flea Control

Flea and Its Effect

Fleas are probably the most common cause of skin disease in dogs. In Vancouver area the usual species of flea found on dogs is the cat flea (Ctencephalides felis). The life cycle of the flea varies between three weeks and two years depending on climatic conditions. The greater part of life cycle ( about 90 percent ) is spent off the host animal in the environment, with adult fleas jumping on to the host to obtain a blood meal. They may also feed on humans.

How It Spreads?

Our mission is to be the most compassionate, customer-oriented veterinary service
providers serving

Understanding Seasonal Skin Diseases

In young dogs, hip dysplasia induces pain by stretching and tearing soft tissues in the hip joint. In older dogs, it causes discomfort due to the resulting osteoarthritis, a degenerative joint condition.

Flea Infestations and Their Impact

Fleas are a common culprit behind seasonal skin problems in pets. To tackle this issue effectively, it's crucial to understand their life cycle and habits.

How it spreads?

Our mission is to be the most compassionate, customer oriented veterinary service
providers serving

The Importance of Early Intervention

Early action is essential to prevent skin problems from escalating. Waiting until September, when flea populations can explode, is not advisable. Taking proactive steps early in the season is key.

Taking Action Against Fleas

To manage skin issues related to fleas, conduct regular flea checks on your pet and their environment. Implement effective flea control measures to keep the infestation in check, protecting your pet's skin and overall well-being.

We Provide Best Treatment For Flea

At our animal hospital in Vancouver we have many flea products available, and they work in different ways. Those that offer immediate relief usually do so through a “quick knockdown”-which is, they kill adult fleas on contact or when the fleas bite, but they do not harm larvae or sterilize any remaining adults. Others take longer to relieve symptoms because they work by killing larvae or sterilizing adults, but his also means that they do a more thorough job of getting rid of fleas over the long term.

All kinds of services for cats and dogs!