All kinds of services for cats and dogs!

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At our Vancouver Animal Hospital, spaying typically takes just 10 to 20 minutes due to our highly qualified vet surgeons. Factors like the onset of a heat cycle, pregnant or overweight pets may require additional time and care during the procedure.
Vancouver dog spaying and cat spaying can help modify behavior and reduce aggressiveness in pets. It's a valuable tool for promoting a more peaceful and well-behaved companion.
Our mission is to be the most compassionate, customer oriented veterinary service
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To maximize the benefits, it's crucial to spay your pet before a few heat cycles. Waiting beyond two and a half years offers no advantage. Early intervention is key to reducing the chances of diseases and complications.
Spaying isn't just about birth control; it can also address life-threatening issues. For instance, it prevents Pyometra, a risk that grows with age. For female pets, spaying reduces the risk of mammary cancers. Our vets recommend early spaying, ideally before the first heat cycle, to mitigate these risks.
The technical term for neutering a male canine is castration, which involves the surgical removal of the testicles. Dogs neutering in Vancouver is commonly employed for birth control, and for deducing territoriality and aggressiveness in mail dogs and cats. Neutering is also employed in dogs as treatment for medical disorders that are directly influenced by testosterone, namely prostate disease, perineal hernias, and certain tumors.
Retained testicles (testicles that have failed to descend into the scrotum) are also candidates for removal, since they have high incidence of becoming cancerous. In general, castration can be safely performed on a dog or cat as early as 6 month of age. Dog neutering or castration is an effective male canine sterility surgery. It involves the entire removal of testicles and not only does it make the animal sterile but it also takes away a lot of aggression in the pet. Sometimes it can also be used as a solution for medical disorders like testosterone related problems.
This includes prostate diseases, tumors and perineal hernias. Sometimes cancer can develop because of retained testicles that have not descended into the scrotum and this is why they need to be removed. If your pet is at six months of age, they are a candidate for castration surgery. The Vancouver Animal Hospital in Killarney is incredibly safe for the pets and can take care of all kinds of Vancouver neutering and Vancouver spaying procedures along with treatments for other medical disorders and illnesses.