Matted fur can lead to discomfort and skin infections in cats, particularly those with long hair. At Killarney Animal Hospital, we provide professional dematting services to safely remove tangles and knots from your cat’s coat. Regular grooming helps prevent mats from forming and keeps your cat’s coat healthy, clean, and comfortable.
Sedated Lion Shave Cuts
For severely matted or difficult-to-groom cats, we offer sedated lion shave cuts at Killarney Animal Hospital. This procedure involves safely sedating your cat and shaving their fur into a "lion cut" to remove severe matting. Sedation ensures that the process is stress-free and painless for your cat, providing a practical grooming solution for long-haired breeds.
Sedated Nail Trim
Nail trimming can be stressful for some pets, particularly those who are anxious or uncooperative. At Killarney Animal Hospital, we offer sedated nail trims for pets that need a more relaxed experience. Sedation ensures that your pet remains calm during the procedure, preventing stress and discomfort while maintaining proper nail length.