Blood Analyzer

Here's a modified version without repeating any specific names or addresses: Blood Sample Collection and Testing: A Crucial Diagnostic Tool Obtaining blood samples from pets is a relatively straightforward procedure, typically taking just a few minutes. Our state-of-the-art in-house blood processing and testing equipment enables us to analyze the samples within an hour, providing quicker results and saving crucial time in emergency situations.

In-House Blood Testing

We conduct blood testing for three main reasons:

Wellness Testing: Complete Blood Count (CBC) Biochemistry Profile Urinalysis Thyroid Hormone Testing Our veterinary team will recommend the appropriate level of testing based on your pet's age and health status.

Pre-Anesthetic Testing: Before administering anesthesia, we perform blood tests to evaluate the health of internal organs, including the liver and kidneys, as well as the patient's blood count.

This precautionary measure helps us detect potential health concerns early and take necessary precautions for your pet's safety during anesthetic procedures.

Disease Diagnostic Testing: If your pet exhibits symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, fever, lethargy, weight loss, or loss of appetite, our veterinarians may recommend blood testing to assist in diagnosing the underlying condition. Deviations from normal physiological values can indicate specific disease states, enabling us to formulate effective treatment plans.