Frequently Asked Questions

You ask we Answer

We try to answer everything. If you have any questions, call our emergency service number.

General Queries

To schedule an appointment for your pet, you can call our hospital during regular business hours, or you can use our online appointment booking system [insert link]. We will do our best to accommodate your preferred date and time.

When coming for your pet’s appointment, please bring any relevant medical records, vaccination history, and a list of current medications. This information helps our veterinarians provide the best care possible.

Yes, we offer a comprehensive vaccination program for pets. Our veterinarians will assess your pet’s specific needs and recommend a vaccination schedule tailored to their age, lifestyle, and risk factors.

Absolutely! We offer nutritional counseling to help you make informed choices about your pet’s diet. Our team can recommend the right food and feeding guidelines to keep your pet healthy.

To ensure your pet’s well-being, provide them with a balanced diet, regular exercise, and plenty of love and attention. Schedule routine check-ups with a veterinarian, maintain their vaccinations, and keep an eye out for any unusual behavior or symptoms. Proper grooming and dental care also contribute to their overall health. If you have specific concerns, don’t hesitate to consult with our team of experts.

Surgery Related

Before your pet’s surgery, we will provide you with specific pre-surgery instructions. Typically, this involves fasting your pet from food and water for a specified period before the procedure. Follow these guidelines closely to ensure a safe surgery.

The recovery process can vary depending on the type of surgery. We will provide you with post-operative care instructions, including details on pain management, wound care, and activity restrictions. Our team will also schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your pet’s progress.


Pet safety is our top priority during surgeries. We use top-notch monitoring equipment to track vital signs such as heart rate, blood pressure, and oxygen levels. Our skilled surgical team follows strict protocols to minimize risks and ensure a successful procedure.

The cost of pet surgery can vary depending on the type of procedure and any additional services required. We will provide you with a detailed estimate before the surgery, including all associated costs. We are also happy to discuss financing options and answer any financial questions you may have.

Pet surgery is recommended when it is the most effective and appropriate treatment option for a particular condition. In some cases, alternative treatments or therapies may be considered, and our veterinarians will discuss these options with you based on your pet’s individual needs.

Payment Queries

Maintaining a healthy weight for your pet is crucial. To achieve this, provide a balanced diet, control portion sizes, and encourage regular exercise. If you’re unsure about your pet’s ideal weight, consult with our veterinarians for personalized guidance.

Signs of dental issues in pets include bad breath, drooling, pawing at the mouth, and difficulty eating. To care for your pet’s dental health, brush their teeth regularly, offer dental chews or toys, and schedule professional dental cleanings as recommended by our veterinarians.

Protecting your pet from parasites is essential. Use vet-approved flea and tick preventatives, keep your pet’s environment clean, and regularly groom and check for signs of infestations. Consult with our team for product recommendations and a prevention plan.

Vaccinations are crucial for preventing serious diseases in pets. The specific vaccines and their schedules can vary depending on your pet’s age, lifestyle, and health status. Our veterinarians will create a vaccination plan tailored to your pet’s needs.

Pets may show signs of pain through changes in behavior, such as restlessness, whining, limping, or reduced appetite. If you suspect your pet is in pain, contact our hospital for guidance. Our veterinarians can assess your pet’s condition and recommend appropriate pain management options.