Pet Dental Care

Dog & Cat Dental Care in Vancouver

Oral health is very important to prevent dental infections and gum disease. Teeth and gums for cats and dogs should be checked every few months and professionally cleaned at least once a year. Regular dental check-ups with our veterinarian will help prevent gingivitis, plague, tartar, and abscessed teeth Reliable Vancouver vets at Killarney Animal Hospital serves your pets with one of the best animal dental care services. Our composite dental health care programs for your pets help in their healthy living. Dental care services for your pets include dental cleaning, diet recommendations and tips for home dental care.

Why Daily Brushing important?

Our mission is to be the most compassionate, customer-oriented veterinary service
providers serving

Comprehensive Oral Examination

At Killarney Animal Hospital, we offer professional dental ultrasonic scaling and polishing to ensure your pet's oral health remains in optimal condition.

Professional Dental Care

At Killarney Animal Hospital, we offer professional dental ultrasonic scaling and polishing to ensure your pet's oral health remains in optimal condition.

Why Daily Brushing important?

Our mission is to be the most compassionate, customer oriented veterinary service
providers serving

Preventive Medicine

During your visit to our Vancouver Animal Hospital in Killarney, our veterinarians conduct thorough oral exams. This helps us detect early signs of gum disease or infection, ensuring your pet's comfort and well-being.

Understanding Pet Periodontal Disease

With the information gathered from these diagnostic tests, our veterinarians can tailor treatment plans to address your pet's specific needs, leading to more informed and effective care to improve your pet's overall health and well-being.

How Frequent to Do Dental Examination?

A complete dental exam should be performed on all pets at least once a year. For smaller breeds more prone to periodontal disease, these exams should be done every 6 months. If dental calculus is present at the gumline, the veterinarian should professionally clean the teeth.

Because this cleaning can be a painful procedure, especially if periodontal disease already exists, a short-acting sedative or anesthetic is essential for your pet’s comfort and safety. An ultrasonic dental scaler, combined with manual scaling instruments is used to break apart and remove the hard calculus and deposits from the tooth surfaces. Afterward, the teeth are polished with a special paste to restore their natural smooth surfaces.

Remember: Good dental hygiene is important to the health of your pet. In fact, it can help it live a longer, happier life. If you have any questions concerning your pet’s dental health, don’t hesitate to consult our veterinarian.

All kinds of services for
cats and dogs!