Therapeutic Laser

Non-Invasive Pain Relief and Accelerated Healing Laser Therapy is a quick, non-invasive, and pain-free modality that works on the principle of photobiomodulation. This innovative therapy improves patient outcomes by rapidly decreasing inflammation, preventing scarring, accelerating recovery time, and reducing pain.

Advanced Orthopedic Care

Post-Surgical Incisions: Applying laser therapy to post-surgical incisions not only reduces pain but also decreases inflammation and alleviates scarring. We offer post-surgical spay/neuter laser therapy to enhance recovery. Surgical Procedures: For orthopedic surgeries, anal gland conditions, skin growths, and more, numerous veterinary clinical studies demonstrate that laser therapy can significantly reduce healing time and improve procedural efficiency when administered before and after surgeries.

Chronic Pain: Osteoarthritis is a common finding in geriatric dogs and cats, serving as a continuous source of moderate to severe joint pain. Patients with osteoarthritis may be reluctant to play or enjoy activities due to the pain associated with joint movement. Delivering adequate sessions of laser therapy to these pets can not only mitigate pain and inflammation but also increase their overall quality of life by increasing the range of motion in the affected joints. Class IV therapy lasers promote both granulation of the tissue bed and epithelialization of the surrounding tissue to close the wound.