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These stories show how pets make a difference in the lives of us unworthy humans all over the world with their big hearts and wagging tails.

Health Topic

Controlling Ticks

To most pet owners, the return of spring is a joyous occasion. The opportunity to spend quality time with your pet outdoors can be an

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Dental Care For Pets

Dental care of dogs and cats is one of the most commonly overlooked areas of pet health care. Approximately 80% of all dogs and cats

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Down & Dirty on Fleas

Many of us enjoy snuggling close to our pets and despite misguided news reports detailing health risks, most of us will continue to do so.


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Feline Retro Viruses

Retro is a word usually bringing warm and fuzzy feelings of nostalgia. But for the more than 80 million cats living in North America, the

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Generic Flea Products

For almost two decades, safe, effective flea medications from your veterinarian have helped pet owners battle these blood-sucking parasites. Now, several “generic” flea medications are

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Itching Pets

It’s a common occurrence: Pet owners expressing feelings of frustration, helplessness and even despair from a single symptom. Their pets itch and scratch, itch and

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Senior Pets

Pets are living longer thanks to advances in veterinary care, diagnostics, and earlier intervention. But the key to enjoying our “senior” pets lies not only

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Veterinary Ophthalmology

It’s been said that “eyes are the windows to the soul” and certainly when you look into the eyes of your beloved pets, you can

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