Anemia in Dogs
Is your normally energetic dog suddenly listless, weak, and uninterested in food? Anemia may be to blame for these troubling symptoms.
These stories show how pets make a difference in the lives of us unworthy humans all over the world with their big hearts and wagging tails.
Is your normally energetic dog suddenly listless, weak, and uninterested in food? Anemia may be to blame for these troubling symptoms.
Colds don’t just make people miserable. Dogs can also experience sneezing, coughing, congestion, and other common cold symptoms.
How healthy are your pet’s pearly whites? Without proper dental care, your furry friend may develop painful infections and even lose teeth. These tips will
Dogs and people share many things in common, including the tendency to develop dementia as they age. If your dog has dementia, you’ll notice a
People and pets routinely died from infections before penicillin, the first antibiotic, was introduced in the first half of the 20th century. Today, veterinarians use
Many of the same problems that affect people as they age, such as arthritis and diabetes, can also affect your pet. Making a few changes