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These stories show how pets make a difference in the lives of us unworthy humans all over the world with their big hearts and wagging tails.

Nutrition & Food

What is a Raw Diet?

Raw diets offer an alternative to commercially prepared pet food and can be a good choice for some pets. Serving raw foods offer a variety

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Cooking for Your Pets

Read the back of a pet food bag and you will see a long lists of ingredients that features a variety of preservatives and fillers.

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Food Allergies

Food allergies occasionally occur in dogs and cats. They usually manifest themselves as itchy skin, ear infections, chronic vomiting, or diarrhea. If you suspect that

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Obesity in Dogs

Obesity is on the rise, and not just for humans. Dogs are increasingly overweight and even obese. In the United States, an estimated 43 million

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What is in Your Pets’ Food?

Every day we are besieged with pet food advertisements, in magazines, newspapers and on television. Tens, if not hundreds, of millions of dollars are spent

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