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These stories show how pets make a difference in the lives of us unworthy humans all over the world with their big hearts and wagging tails.

Pet Dangers

At Risk for Rat Bite Fever?

Rats have made numerous appearances on the screen and the page as you’ve watched theater movies with your children, read popular children’s books or relaxed

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Calcium is Not Always Good

When examining a blood panel, a veterinarian may report to the owner that a pet has hypercalcemia, which is an elevated level of calcium in

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Can PBDEs Harm Your Pet?

The Environmental Protection Agency indicates that polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) have a negative impact on your health and environment. These chemicals in your home environment

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Dangers of Rodent Bait

There are several general classifications of rodent poison (rodenticide) available over the counter. The most common is one that prevents blood clotting called an anticoagulant;

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